Volvo Schematics
Gen I Volvo Schematics
Mark & Dale Bruss (Bruss) has downloadable Gen I Volvo PDF Wiring Schematics as well as a few of his personal wiring schematics on his web site from projects he's done on his 770.
After reviewing the schematics if your still having problems with wiring problem here's a cut and paste of a recent post by PSD_Tweaker (Rick) that might be of some help.
From PSD_Tweaker (Rick): If your still confused with an electrical problem you can't figure out Volvo will fax you what you need, and give you some technical advice as well. They cannot pin-point your problem any better than members of the forum can without being there to inspect the problem ourselves, but they are well versed in Volvo electrical gremlins. Call: 1-800-52VOLVO - Then press one, then press one for "open new case file", then ask for technical assistance. You'll get Mike, or Steve. Ask for a wiring diagram that highlights your headlight switch, lighting circuits or whatever wiring related problem your experiencing. |
Gen I Volvo Fuse Labels
These labels are often discarded when new drink holders are purchased or the top fuse panel access cover is replaced. If you still have fuse block labels, please take photos and submit them. Note, the fuse block labels are engine and transmission specific. Most of the fuse locations are the same but be aware there are differences.
Volvo Basic Fuse Block
Volvo Main Fuse Block.pdf
Volvo Fuse Block
Fuse Layout - Volvo/Cummings Engines
Fuse Layout - Volvo/Cummings Engines
Gen II Volvo Schematics
Volvo has put many of their manuals online for download at Volvo eMedia Center. Follow the links and select your trucks parameters and see what you can get. It looks like in the area of schematics, Gen II Volvo are downloadable while Gen I Volvo schematics are for sale only. But them you can go to the link above for Gen I Volvo schematics. This was from a tip by N20N1 (Ed).
We have downloaded several schematic pdfs from the Volvo eMedia site for your convenience.
PV776-20180512_ElectricalGeneral_V2_1102 Electrical General
PV776-TSP187158_ElectricalSchematic_V2_1102 Electrical Schematic
PV776-TSP187662_TrailerCableRouting_V2_1102 Trailer Cable Routing
PV776-20014399_ElectricalSchematic_V2_1003 Trailer Cable Routing
PV776-20_ElectricalSchematic_V2_0904 Electrical Schematic
PV776-20040447_ElectricalSchematic_V2_1204 Electrical Schematic
PV776-20007110_ElectricalSchematic_V2_0404 Electrical Schematic
PV776-20180514_ElectricalGeneral_V2_0605 Electrical General
PV776-20032392_ElectricalSchematic_V2_0605 Electrical Schematic
PV776-20175317_ElectricalSchematic_V2_0605 Electrical Schematic
PV776-20177347_ElectricalGeneral_V2_1105 Electrical General
PV776-20043814_ElectricalSchematic_V2_1105 Electrical Schematic
PV776-20047693_IllustrationIndex_V2_1105 Illustration Index
PV776-20179901_ElectricalSchematic_UserGuide_V2_0107 Electrical Schematic User Guide
PV776-TSP177133_ElectricalSchematic_UserGuide_V2 Electrical Schematic User Guide