Tandem axle HDT insurance?


Tandem axle HDT insurance?

Need some help with the search feature.

Deezl Smoke
23 February 2011
10:00 PM
Hi all.  I am looking at shopping around some more for insurance on my tandem drive HDT.  I will also have a "Peterbilt pickup" that I wish to tow around with me on the longer trips, so I would like to get both under one company.  I have the tandem HDT insured now with Allstate, but they wont insure the pickup.  Progressive will insure the pickup but not the tandem HDT.

I've been trying to use the search feature to find other companies that insure tandem drive axle MHs.  I find a few sporadic replies here and there that mention insurance, but nothing about what company or any details.  I called Miller Insurance and they said no on the tandem and that .. motorhomes only have one drive axle .??????HUH??  When did this happen?

I could use some help with the search feature please.  What might be some of the right search keywords and phrases to use?  I seem to use too much broken phrase type wording and get way off topic.  I do not have enough experience in RV language yet to know the right words to look for I guess.

Thanks for any help.

Also, is there really a 26,000 pound weight limit on motorhomes?

Randy retired
23 February 2011
10:11 PM
We are not full time and I do not have a Peterbilt PU but GMAC insures my HDT and my Ford PU.  I have been pleased with the service.  You might try them.
23 February 2011
10:37 PM
Hi "D"
Try scaling a 45' Prevost, close to 40K I would guess.  Allstate would not insure my 4900 International.  My whole rig is insured by American Modern Ins. out of Ohio.

I hope this helps, all I can say is that there is all kinds of inconsistent information straight out of the insurers themselves.  One day they say one thing and the next day the exact opposite.

GOOD LUCK!! Keep digging don't give up !
In The Faith

24 February 2011
09:56 AM
I was able to quickly and easily insure both my 5th wheel and Volvo with Blue Sky.  Took about 15 minutes on the phone.  If you Google Blue Sky RV insurance they will come up.
Mark & Dale Bruss
24 February 2011
10:21 AM

I could use some help with the search feature please.

Which Search feature?
Have you been to the Resource Guide yet?  Insurance for HDT Conversions.

Deezl Smoke
24 February 2011
03:16 PM
I had read the page in the Resource Guide and got a couple of company names that I then called and found they would not insure my truck.  However, I found that page Googling instead of directly through the Resource page link. I had then forgot to continue looking through the Resource pages, and went to using the standard "search" feature in the upper right of the main Forum menu.  Thanks for the reminder to use the Resource page.

I called GMAC this morning after reading this page.  They said no.  So I started asking some different questions, as it appeared I was maybe the one responsible for the refusals.  I started wondering if I was using the wrong terminology when asking about an "HDT conversion."  It appears I am making assumptions about just what an HDT is and what configurations are insured under that heading.

GMAC will insure my truck as it is, even with the commercial fifth wheel plate installed and the sleeper on it.  Tandem axles and as it states in their handbook "18 wheels."  Now, ..the 18 wheels? ..well, I'll drop that for now, but the issue is that I wish to use the truck as a motorhome.  NO go on that concept.  I can not call it a toterhome either.  But I can call it a semi truck.  The requirement is that the "semi truck" has the ability to tow a trailer of 30' minimum, and that I do actually use it to tow a travel trailer of whatever configuration.  So I asked what if I have a 25-27' trailer?  No problem, it just has to be equipped and able to pull a 30'er.

I then asked what if I setup the trailer at the park and need to get groceries?  No problem.  As long as the park use is temporary and the trailer is not permanently left at the park or permanently hooked up, I am good to go.

I am slowly learning the language I need when talking about RVs. So now I guess I am sort of back to square one with finding someone that will insure a "conversion" as a "motorhome".  Or, ..I need to tow a toyhauler of sorts that has a living quarters and the ability to haul my pickup.  Of course now I have no idea how explain that to the insurance agents.

24 February 2011
04:51 PM
Call Eric at Blue Sky.  They insure a number of HDT's (including mine) and seem very knowledgeable about our use, and comfortable with it.  I had a great experience, YMMV.
Bob Cochran
29 March 2011
11:06 PM
I had a truck in my sights but then it dawned on me I had made no arrangements to get insurance coverage if I pulled the trigger.  I E-mailed Blue Sky Sunday night but no answer yet from them I suppose a call is in order.  I am currently insuring 3 vehicles and the 5th by Allstate but I know they will not cover the HDT.  I work through and independent agent and he said he would more than likely have to go to commercial insurance big $$$$'s.

Besides Blue Sky is there some other Insurance companies I can check that would by a phone call, next week, or a year from now immediately get me coverage and proof of insurance?

I have heard about those who have GMAC, etc. but I also keep hearing a lot are not being allowed to renew.  Specially if they keep the truck tandem which I intend to do.  For me living in Arizona may make it more difficult.

Rick & Alana
30 March 2011
05:00 AM
I'm the same as Blue- I stayed tandem and am with Blue Sky.
30 March 2011
05:37 AM
We have Progressive through Lazy Days in Florida, and are tandem.  They told me that I can pull anything I like, as long as it's non-commercial use.  For instance, I can pull my commercial drag, hauling antique tractors to a show, but not hauling current equipment to a job.
30 March 2011
07:54 AM
I am tandem with Progressive thru RV America.  I just renewed in Feb with out issue.

Last week I was talking with a independent agent about insurance for our other vehicles.  After a quote on all the others I then threw the HDT in to the mix.  She knew what I was talking about with a HDT toter before I even explained it as she has got insurance for them before thru Progressive.  She did attempt to get quotes thru other carriers for me but advised for me to stay with Progressive with either my current agent or her if I wanted a local agent.

Deezl Smoke
30 March 2011
08:08 AM

rickeieio, on Mar 30 2011, 02:37 AM, said:
We have Progressive through Lazy Days in Florida, and are tandem.  They told me that I can pull anything I like, as long as it's non-commercial use.  For instance, I can pull my commercial drag, hauling antique tractors to a show, but not hauling current equipment to a job.

I was told that I can haul even brand new equipment, that does not matter, as long as I make no money directly from the move.  I was told that if I haul my antique to a show, and win a money prize, I am now commercial.  ??  I don't know, I guess it is another political nightmare.  The wording used to describe this to me, was that if I make a money prize, that is a "commercial element," and that is enough for the trooper to issue a citation.  But this I think, is more to do with licensing than insurance.  The insurance companies may make mention of, or make certain you are aware of some of the restrictions that the insurance company has, or include in the conversation about the licensing issues, but here in Oregon, Allstate has sold me coverage on my tandem, class 8 truck with an extra large sleeper as a motorhome because it meets their description.  It did not matter that it also meets the states requirements.  I sent pictures and serial number ahead via E-mail.  It's very expensive, and for a small footage RV with a lower value.  However, they did say that if I were one that stays at a resort for extended periods, or if I am only a seasonal user of the rig, I can drop the liability for those months it is not used and just keep the comp.  I forget the name of that clause, but I think several companies offer that.  If the rig stays stationary for a month or two at a time, I guess that may work?  Oh yes, I was also told by the insurance company that my trailer would be insured for liability only.  Any full coverage on the trailer would have to be purchased separately.

Now for my "T" plated flatbed that I was considering towing as my toad, (but now likely wont) I had to get a commercial policy through Progressive, sold to me through my Allstate agent.  The commercial policy, though commercial, has a clause stating that I am not a commercial carrier and that my usage will not be for hire or commercial in any way.  I found that this was sort of a "tweener" policy system several companies came up with when some of the truck manufacturers made/make those extra large pickups.  I think IH was one of the first to offer a pickup bodied, air braked, and heavy framed units.  Though many of them are used for commercial use, many were also purchased as an RV puller or bought for the "cool factor".

That's how it was explained to me, but I have no written proof or any sort of link to get you the actual/factual, so please only take this as something someone said on the Internet.  Whichever insurance company you choose will have to do the explaining from their book. IMO.

30 March 2011
11:00 AM
I called Blue Sky to get a feeler quote and was told that they can not currently sell in Nevada, though that may change soon.

Soooooo, we will keep in contact as I continue my search for a truck.

At the same time we are looking at moving all of our other vehicles and property away from State Farm, so maybe I will include a hypothetical HDT in that quote shopping trip.....

This is not an attempt to steal your thread, but if anyone else has suggestions for Tandem coverage in Nevada, I would love to hear your thoughts.

Furball Express
30 March 2011
12:08 PM
Check with Miller Insurance.  they are in the commercial directory.  I've talked with them and they're who we're going with if I can ever find our truck.
Deezl Smoke
30 March 2011
09:55 PM
I'll just state up front, "my threads" cant be stolen.  I'm not one to demand staying on topic or anything of the sort.  I do respect others that prefer it that way, but I'm always open for turns and corners etc.  Feel free to add anything to any threads that I start.

I actually did call Miller.  I even sent pictures and details.  They refused both of my rigs.  However I should make note that my rigs are older than many here that are shopping.  My rigs are both 1994 model year.  Both are paid for.  I have proof of insurance history and over 20 years with Allstate.

Bob Cochran
30 March 2011
10:27 PM
All very interesting, its kind of like a crap shoot in away.  Seems everyone has different experiences with the same company.  Agent dependent on answer or company policy?  Example, when I moved my insurance from GMAC to Allstate (only because i like to look an agent in the eye and not deal by phone or computer and it was cheaper for better coverage) the agent said Allstate would not cover the HDT tandem or single would have to get me coverage commercially.  Yet Deezl Smoke, I believe, said Allstate in Oregon gave him insurance for and HDT tandem.  What I really hope once I settle on a company that I like and will provide coverage immediately by phone.  That if it takes awhile to get the HDT I am looking for (can take awhile) and I call them they have not changed their minds!!!  I hate to scramble in the last minute because for me it seems I wind up making a mistake and have to correct later.
31 March 2011
05:41 AM
When we bought our truck, I called my local agent from the dealer and had them add the Volvo on my existing commercial policy, so that they could fax me a proof of insurance.  After I had the truck at home, I began shopping for MH insurance.

Yeah, I know it cost me $100 or so extra, but I had no hassles getting the truck home, and even used it to haul grain to get a feel for it and the auto-shift.  Also, my thought was that if the $100 was going to break the deal, I had no business in this game.

Bill B
31 March 2011
07:02 PM
Miller just knock $400 off on a Quote to me.  Checking to make sure the coverage is the same. 800 - 622 - 6347

See Resource Guide.

Bob Cochran
01 April 2011
10:59 PM
Just for giggles today checked with insurance agent I have all my vehicles and 5er insured with Allstate.  He said could not get it insured via Allstate and he also provides Progressive but only commercial insurance and they said they would insure what ever I bought.  I then asked how much and he gave me an example for a guy it was a 2001 Freightliner and apparently let his policy lapse 3 times and he was using it commercially and his yearly premium was $4,000.  He said he probably could get me insurance cheaper but did not know how much!!!  Hoping to do better than that
HERO Maker
25 April 2011
08:41 AM
I got to give credit to Eric at Blue Sky.  I called him a little after 4 PM TX time on Good Friday (that's after 5 PM his time in Ohio) and when we were through, he E-mailed our coverage to us with all ID cards and everything went fine.  Switched from old company, got better coverage for a little less!

Eric knows what he is doing.

25 April 2011
04:17 PM
It would be interesting to know what prices, state of registration and state of residences everyone has for their HDT's!
Bob Cochran
25 April 2011
10:45 PM
I will start.
When you say price I am guessing you mean cost of the insurance per year.  I am paying $777 per year, both registered and live in Arizona.  I did call Blue Sky when I knew what I was buying and had VIN number, vehicle make, model, etc.  I had the insurance become effective the next day just before going to MVD as they ask for proof of insurance and had proof of insurance sent to the guy I was buying the truck from and he printed out for me.  I was dealing with Eric as most of you have and he really only wanted to make sure the truck was registered for under 26,001 so it would be classed as a MDT as far as insurance was concerned and Blue Sky would insure it then.  Oh by including the 5er Eric said the is a significant discount so yes I included the 5er when I did it. I can see though where price can be so variable mostly do to the state you live in and even region of the state.

On edit I forgot to add mine is tandem and intend on keeping it that way.  That did not seem to bother Eric though.
Hope this helps.

27 April 2011
04:07 AM
Is your truck registered in AZ?  That is what I was paying approximately for my truck with regular commercial plates in AZ.  What I am trying to figure out for myself is the balancing act of going with either a Montana LLC and paying the BLF $1100 and $250 Permanent tags and whatever insurance costs as an LLC or just trying to get the MH designation in AZ.  With the horror stories you read about people trying to get insurance it would be nice to have a ballpark figure of what everyone else is paying so you can roughly know what you are up against.  I also know that everyone's situation is different but a round number is of help to people!

Thanks for being the first, that I have seen to post up some numbers on the cost.

27 April 2011
04:32 PM
My tandem is registered in Texas for better or worse.  As I recall, the license fee is $140.00 a year, inspection needs to be done yearly and I think they charge $14.00 for that.  Progressive carries insurance for $1,258.00 a year.  The Mobile Suites 5er is $634.00 a year.  Best wishes in making your choice.

Thanks to an E-mail, I checked my memory with facts, now corrected!

27 April 2011
04:49 PM
I recently registered my trailer in Montana.  In addition to having a Montana LLC, they also required proof of property ownership in Montana.  The year before I registered my truck with only the LLC.
Bob Cochran
27 April 2011
09:40 PM
Yes truck registered in Arizona and NOT issued apportion plates total registration $572.22.  Here is the break down.  Vehicle tax $83.72, Registration $8.00, Commercial registration $4.00, Weight $324.00, Air quality $1.50, Title $4.00, Motor carrier $137.00, Diesel $10.00. OOPS, have to lower my $777 insurance cost down by $8.00.  I just got and refund from Blue Sky; must me by awesome driving record!!!

I will be pursing the change to MH at a later date and see what I can do about that.  Some have gotten it in Arizona others have been told now way.  Perhaps up her in this small town MVD I can work it and get it done!!!!

02 May 2011
11:14 PM
I have a 1988 Peterbilt 379 tandem.  Before I bought it, i called my State Farm agent and explained what I was doing.  it took them a while to figure it out but it wasn't a problem.  It cost me $40 a month for liability.  I also have it registered as a 26ft motor home.  It was a lot easier than I thought it would be.  Now I just have to build a bed, hitch and rebuild drive lines.
03 May 2011
03:51 AM

Prosupercross65, on 02 May 2011 - 11:14 PM, said:
I have a 1988 Peterbilt 379 tandem

Where do you live?  I race motocross myself.