Electric Mirror

Electric Mirror

Stopped Working - Suggestions

20 February 2011
03:13 PM
For some reason, the electric mirror on the driver side has stopped working.  The passenger mirror works fine.  I know I tried both at the dealer and they worked, but yesterday when hooking up the Raptor I tried to adjust and no luck - any ideas?

I also have added a link Polar Express connected to the Raptor.

Mark & Dale Bruss
20 February 2011
04:16 PM
I would question the switch. You should be able to swap the switches to check.
20 February 2011
04:22 PM
I'd also check the switches first. if you're not familiar with the set-up, the mirror backs are removable.  All will be revealed from that point.
Mark & Dale Bruss
20 February 2011
07:55 PM
There are some links to photos of the inside of a Volvo mirror on the Resource Guide at Volvo Mirror Antenna Mount
20 February 2011
10:40 PM
A good shot with the fist will do wonders !