State Farm Local Agent Has Beat

State Farm Local Agent Has Beat

State Farm Local Agent Has Beat Our Current HDT Insurance Policy

Does anyone use State Farm? good? bad?

D K.
26 March 2010
08:06 PM
I have been looking to change from Progressive for a while now, finally found a local insurance agent who immediately knew what a toterhome/ HDT conversion was all about.  In addition, they have several clients with HDT conversions already in their customer base, some of which are racers, which the agent said as long as I am not for hire, she has confirmed their underwriter will stand behind any claim, no matter what I'm towing.

I am not going to change anything until I get a toter usage description in writing or E-mail from the agent, but I am happy with what I'm hearing so far.  This all started this week as a result of our decision to dump all our USAA accounts i.e.: auto and homeowner's.  While we were at it, I decided to ask about getting the WIA under the same policy and the local State Farm agent said no problem.  (All we use Progressive for is the bikes and the WIA)

26 March 2010
09:24 PM
State Farm was the best priced, best coverage quote in Alberta from my phoning.  The closest office is about 4 1/2 hours away, but that is almost local in the wide open North.  The agent I talked to, using an imaginary Kenworth T-2000, seemed to know exactly what I was looking at doing.  I haven't bought a truck yet, so it's still unconfirmed, though.

Later edit: It doesn't look like Progressive is working in Canada yet.

Steve in SoCal
26 March 2010
10:30 PM
I know you are not a fan of USAA, I have had their insurance for a long time and wonder if it has not lost its luster?  Would you care to elaborate; I would just as soon save some $$$.  My house and cars are all with USAA.
26 March 2010
10:31 PM
In early Feb I first called my State Farm Agent who currently covers all my 4 other vehicles plus the 5er about covering the Volvo.

State Farm tied the HDT & 5er together and their price was still 4x greater than Progressive.  After 2 days and several calls State Farm finally got the price to only 2x greater but still was restricted to HDT & 5er together.  This was after they finally called the HDT a "toter".

Progressive quoted the HDT & 5er separately.  The price for the HDT was the same thru Progressive even if they did not insure my 5er.

In the end I went with Progressive for the HDT and also moved the 5er to Progressive.

27 March 2010
05:39 AM
If anyone gets better coverage or a better price than Progressive, there's a bunch of us here that wanna' know.  Please post it!
D K.
27 March 2010
11:34 AM
We have seen things go down hill year after year with them, I've been tolerant of growing incompetence across the board with them for far too long.  Even when submitting complaints with documentation to their exec's and division managers, they still failed to correct things.  We have had a few claims with them over the years, each one was concurrently worse to get resolved.

The most recent claim, which we are STILL dealing with, is simple property replacement due to a Public Storage unit's leaking roof soaking about 2 pallets of household goods.  The claim was filed over a month ago, they have still failed to accept or deny coverage on it.  We've had several storms since we moved to Shreveport.  This is an Air Force town, there is no reason for them to not date mark the claim to other members in the near vicinity.  This was not flood damage, this was vertical rain coming through a tin roof.  A simple yes or no answer on their part is all we asked for.

Shortly after we first moved to Shreveport, my F250 had an oil pressure sending unit fail on it.  (Again, in a military town).  Roadside assistance which is contracted out by USAA called a wrecker from Texas over 60 miles away.  We were 11 miles from base.  After 2.5 hours and darkness closing in, I ended up paying a local shop out of pocket to just get it off the road.

Do you remember my Grand Marquis that was totaled out by a 17 year old?  Our car was parked in front of our house on Thanksgiving night, she hit it at 70 mph.  USAA offered me $3,000 for full loss as their final offer, Allstate which was the girl's insurance came back with over $7,000 as their first.  USAA dragged this out for over a month because they were in the "holidays", yet they refused to cover the rental car due to their lack of action any further.  Allstate took the bill for the rental without issue.

I can give you several other incidents in their customer service department itself that is just unacceptable to us.  They claim themselves to be a service member's based agency.  Both of our last transfers, they have screwed up our coverages when switching to the new state.  I am not a 19 year E-1, I've been around long enough to hold them accountable, which is the part that infuriates me the most.  Young troops will just accept this crap USAA has pulled and walk away from it, that is unacceptable to me and I'm not supporting them in anyway whatsoever from now on.  If I'm going to get shafted by an insurance agency, it is not going to be by a Service member's group who knows they have a more accountable type of client then the open market.

Progressive is now affiliated with USAA, they handle all their RV and motorcycle policies now.  I didn't like Progressive for a while due to their contradictory policies on HDT's, now with that & USAA teamed up with them, they are out for us.  I am not interested in hearing how either of these companies offer cheaper rates, USAA has proven you get what you pay for and the uncertainty of Progressive's stand on our Volvo is far too risky to worry about the premium difference.  I want to know I am covered no matter what I do with our WIA in a private use situation like we have.

The only area State Farm has been noticeably higher is our property insurance.  Between my evil guns, tools, Christina's jewelry and musical instruments we're looking at a few hundred more per year.  We'll see how it works out.  I've got quotes in with several others, the local State Farm agent is the most appealing to me by personality though.

Bottom line,
I'm sick of dealing with a indifference, which is only made worse when I can't get the same person to follow up with.  I want an agent I can stand in front of and stand over if necessary to get things handled.

Ray H
27 March 2010
12:22 PM
Well put, Dave.
Steve in SoCal
27 March 2010
12:23 PM
Thanks for your insight; the last claim I had was in 1997 so all I have done is pays my money and takes my chance.  I am sorry to hear of the decline of a once great organization.  I have a friend who lost his home in a wild fire here who is having issues with them but they are minor.
27 March 2010
12:54 PM
Excellent post. This should be posted in lunch rooms around the nation(s).  We have also left companies due to lowered service standards.
Jack Mayer
27 March 2010
03:09 PM
Having an individual agent that I can get to "maybe" help me with the insurance companies is my starting point these days.  I left Poliseek because it was phone roulette when you called in.  Sometimes you got someone who knew something, but usually you got "just another CSA".  And they would seemingly tell you one thing one day and another thing the next.  Plus, with what they did with Nick Russell I was skeptical of any "help" on their part if I needed interference done with an insurance company.

Progressive was out for me as a fulltimer and HDT owner.  I could NEVER get a straight answer as to how I could use my truck.  Ron sent me correspondence that indicated that as a fulltimer I could NOT use it without the trailer, I was told directly by Progressive (2 times) that I could NOT drive it without the trailer, and I was told by Poliseek that I COULD drive it any way I wanted.  I gave up.

I went with Farm & City after calling around.  They at least understands our trucks, and were CLEAR about any restrictions.  I doubt the restrictions would work for some of the posters here (I can NOT tow other peoples property, and I can NOT live in the truck as an RV), but it works for me.  And at LEAST I understand them. I can otherwise use the truck any way I want.

Vols Fan
27 March 2010
05:51 PM
I was with Progressive (thru Poliseek) with my MDT and switched it over to the HDT I just bought.  My policy was up today but 3 weeks ago a lady (Regis McGraw 866-500-7335 X5431) from Poliseek called and said she could get the same coverage with National Insurance for $400.00 less per year.  She send copies of the policy, I compared and I'm now with National.  Seemed like a good deal to me.
27 March 2010
08:37 PM
As Jack said, the agent makes all the difference.  I have had State Farm for some 30 years.  I know it is only because of the service I have received from the agent.  Actually, it is the agent's office girl, she is both highly competent and reliable.  In fact all the family members don't even refer to it as State Farm.  Her name is "Cindy" and we have "Cindy Insurance".
Steve in SoCal
27 March 2010
08:52 PM
As an aside to this; I have seen USAA commercials on TV this week, first time I have ever noticed advertising in major media.  Perhaps the adage; all good things must come to an end?
D K.
27 March 2010
11:16 PM
It is that exact reason I called them out on their recent performance, if they want to present themselves with such aggressive advertising to new members, why not get their act together to prove to their existing members they are worth keeping.  Loosing 100 long term members and gaining 100 new ones, minus advertising costs seems a bit counter productive to me.

The only company or service organization I have remained with since I first joined the military is Navy Federal Credit Union.  To this day, they have never let me down or anyone I know.  Somehow, I think they are one of the few who stand above the rest in loyalty to their members.  I've been with them for nearly 17 years now.  I have used nearly every service they offer multiple times over that period, not one time was there anything but excellent follow through, including when we extended my membership eligibility to Christina's family in Germany.

Pa and D Carson
28 March 2010
06:26 PM
Dave K
I have State Farm on my I-H 4400.  I have been with State Farm for years.  I pay $500 and change.  Trailer on or off is ok. In AK liability insurance for F250 is $300.
29 March 2010
07:41 PM
I have State Farm.  I have all my insurance house, car, trucks (HDT included) and trailers with them.  I am very pleased with the service.  My coverage cost for the HDT is less than 500.00.  I will tell you how pleased it is to have an agent to talk to about problems.  We went to the HDT Rally last year and on the way home we detoured through North Carolina where a deer took the left side of my F350 off.  I called my agent and by the time that we finally got home (a day later) they had everything ready for me to take my truck to a repair shop of my choice.
30 March 2010
01:07 PM
When we were going to go full-time RVing, State farm said they won't cover us.  They didn't go full-time policies.  Has that changed?
D K.
30 March 2010
01:27 PM
I will check for you Nolan.  I'm going by tomorrow to get our policies signed/paid for.  For our situation, we will always own property, no matter if we full time or not.  I haven't checked on whether family trusts estates that we carry coverage on will be acceptable, but that is what most of property is structured around now.  Hopefully that is enough to keep us from being gypsies in their eyes once we retire.
31 March 2010
06:56 PM
I asked our agent's office person about full time coverage.  We are not yet but will be, soon I hope!  Anyway, she said they can do it, that it is a bit tricky since they don't write a lot of full time coverage.  Importantly, and she is one sharp cookie, she stated the person writing the coverage needs to know what they are doing.  So take that for what it's worth.  BTW we are in California.
D and J
31 March 2010
09:19 PM

Nolan, on Mar 30 2010, 12:07 PM, said:
When we were going to go full-time RVing.  State farm said they won't cover us.  They didn't go full-time policies. Has that changed?

That is also what State farm told us in 2007.  As long as we spent less than 180 days a year in the RV, State Farm would cover us.  More than 180 days, no coverage.

At this time, we only had the F550, not an HDT, but either way 180 days was the limit.

01 April 2010
01:58 AM
Excellent post, Dave; thanks!

Give the family our regards -- we're still shopping FT policies.

National Interstate (thru Explorer) is the winner (so far).  Progressive was ok insuring the HDT before, but our FT situation is somewhat "unique" with the LLC (it's spared me Calif. citations twice, so far) and eventual/new mailing address (SKP).

01 April 2010
10:10 PM
We have the RV and Toter aka HDT aka MH, with National General and they were the most reasonable and had no issue insuring both rigs.  Just an FYI.
D K.
04 April 2010
10:39 AM
For those who are still with Progressive: I called to cancel out Progressive policy Friday, which the operator/agent wanted to know why.  After telling him I was unable to get a straight answer on whether I am insured or not for our vehicle when driving alone, he pushed to try to assure me I was.  After 1/2 hour of going back and forth on various points as to why members here would be getting non renewal; notices, he was able to find a reference in their motorhome policy that specifically denies coverage on any converted box van, cargo van or commercial tractor truck.  Once he realized I had a WIA Volvo truck tractor by VIN#, he stated that no matter where, who, or how the vehicle was converted, it is not something Progressive wants to bind a policy for.  As our policies are put through audits, these types of things are checked, so that is the reason there is no consistent company wide cancellation notice going out to every with a HDT etc.  He referred me to their commercial division to see if they have a means of insuring the vehicle, but after the agent there pulled up Louisiana, she said they are not covering vehicles in that area with anything that will cover me any more.  For those still insured with Progressive, the agent said they are honoring all claims until the renewal notices are sent out, so long as your payments are in good standing.  Not very comforting to me, but it is what it is.  Needless to say, I'm glad we made the change.

State Farm went into effect this past Thursday, the rates for our vehicles as a whole are slightly higher, (within $200 a year).  The Volvo itself is lower than Progressive at $458.00 a year for full coverage.  Our big Wabash trailer is also including in our auto policy as a cargo trailer for around $150 a year.  Overall I am very happy with the what the local agent was able to do for us.  We rolled over properties in Montana to State Farm from USAA, along with our upcoming home here in LAS, so the multiple policy discounts helped us a small amount, but not much.

I asked about full timer coverage for State Farm and our agent is going to check to make sure there are no restrictions on it, she did not want to say yes or no until she had everything on this available, should have an answer back after this weekend.

D K.
04 April 2010
08:33 PM
I believe he said it is in their disclaimer section or something with the indemnity section?  At that point of the conversation, he had given up trying to keep our business since he was seeing a private policy was not going to work, so he was no longer motivated to continue things.  He referred me to the commercial division which I mentioned previously.  Once we move back to Montana, the commercial side of Progressive can cover us without issue.  (Not quite sure when or why I'd bother since State Farm is not fulfilling our needs without state to state limitations in the event we transfer/move somewhere else after that)
04 April 2010
08:49 PM
I was licensed to sell insurance and securities twenty years ago.  I was not quite sure if working for the federal government was worth it at that time.

Anyway, an agent that has your best interests at heart is worth their weight in gold.  Agents are paid to be sale persons but they know the rules.  So when they talk to the "company" their questions tend to have more impact simply the agent knows how to phrase the question in your best interest.  Remember, these business's are highly regulated by state governments.

That said, here is my State Farm story.  My dad was a very intelligent man, with NO education.  He was functionally illiterate in four languages.  But his State Farm agent respected him and treated him and us more than fair.

In my early twenties, a middle-aged woman with another insurance company hit my car.  The run around and lies were unbelievable.  Finally, the State Farm agent said "you can make a claim against us."  The settlement was more than fair.  I mentioned it to him and he said "they won't pay you, but they will pay us without question".

A year or so later I moved to Idaho.  The agent there was incredulous.  "How did you get into the mutual company at your age?"  I asked him what the mutual company was.  He said "low rates."  My fathers agent never mentioned it to me.  Just did it on my driving record.

I have never had an agent quite like him since.  But stayed with the company for thirty years based on the service I received in my 20's.

No matter what company if you have an agent that has your best interests at heart.  Pay the money.  You will end up more than ahead in the long run.

04 April 2010
09:22 PM
Once again I re-read my Texas Progressive motorhome policy.  There is no reference as previous posts mentioned.  We need to not discontinue a company based on conversation with some uninformed phone rep.  Maybe in your state this applies but please don't try to give the impression that it is nationwide.  I can also guarantee you that if you have a policy that was bought in good faith by Joe Public, me and you and the vehicle description is correct in the declarations page there is no insurance company that is going to try to deny coverage.  We need to support any company that will write coverage on our trucks and progressive is the largest truck writer in the US.  I have no connection w/Progressive and have never written a policy with them but I do have 30+ years of insurance agency ownership background.  I thought commercial and personal lines insurance for years, did expert witness case's, helped adjusters read and understand policies and made a lot of money doing it all.  So please do not try to make blanket statements about your state.  When all else fails, read your policy.  They are all readable now.  Try it.

PS if State Farm will write it great.  They are a great company.  Unfortunately the local State Farm agent in my area did not how to spell HDT.  Not that my spelling is any better.

Jack Mayer
04 April 2010
10:11 PM
My problem with Progressive is that you could not get a straight story out of them about bobtailing and use of the truck.  Some say yes, some say no, and some say absolutely not.  I tried many ways to get this answered and could not.  So I went elsewhere.  They wore me down....